Ballet Fusion Workouts.

The Graceful Strength Method

By Lauren Arps

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What is the GRACEful strength method?

Sculpt Your Body & Train Your Mind

Created by professional fitness expert, dancer and yogi Lauren Arps, The Graceful Strength Method is designed to build strong, lean muscle physique while strengthening your core foundation with balance, grounding and breathing techniques. The Graceful Strength Method fuses 3 different types of workouts: ballet barre, high intensity cardio and yoga to achieve a transformation beyond the body by also tapping into the subconscious mind and soul in each class


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About Lauren Arps

I created THE GRACEFUL STRENGTH METHOD because of my love of ballet and fitness. I began training in ballet at the age of 12 and became a Pro trainer in 2015. I lived in India for 1 month where I received my yoga certification. I wanted to create a class that channels your inner ballerina while leaving you feeling empowered and strong both mentally and physically. This class keeps your mind alert and heart pumping as you learn different ballet cardio sets, then sculpts your body with beautiful ballet inspired movements. As a NASM certified trainer, dancer and 200 RYT certified yoga teacher, I respect and appreciate all forms of movement.

“The whole secret of a successful life is to find out what is one’s destiny to do, and then do it”

This is my passion, love and destiny.